Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)

+92-21-111-444-111 | [email protected]

Trade Development Authority of Pakistan

About Us

About TDAP

The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), which was established on November 8, 2006, under a Presidential Ordinance, shall have Ministry of Commerce as its administrative ministry. TDAP is the successor organization to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) and is mandated to have a holistic view of global trade development rather than only the ‘export promotion’ perspective of its predecessor. Designated as the premier trade organization of the country, TDAP shall be a dedicated, effective, and an empowered organization, which shall be professionally managed.

The Export Promotion Bureau, in Retrospect

Set up in 1963 as an attached department of the Ministry of Commerce, the Export Promotion Bureau facilitated exporters across the country. More than 20,000 exporters were facilitated and part-funded to exhibit their goods abroad, and thus grow their exports. Over 2,000 trade delegations were sent abroad or hosted in Pakistan in the 43 years of EPB. It provided a forum for dispute resolution between exporters and importers through the mechanism of commercial courts in collaboration with the judiciary.

EPB thus contributed in a significant manner, as Pakistan’s exports – reported at just under quarter of a billion dollars in 1963 – increased by over 70 times to touch nearly US $ 16.5 billion in 2005/06. However, professional human resources were lacking at the times of EPB, and so in order to improve this deficiency, and to change the image of EPB as a “Bureaucratic Organization”, need was felt for EPB’s metamorphosis into a more dynamic, professionally well-equipped organization, which was to be the TDAP.

Our Mission

The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) will develop and promote export holistically, through focus, synergy, and with collective wisdom and counsel of its stakeholders. In addition to aggressive , innovative, and proactive marketing and promotional efforts, it will achieve the objective of rapid export growth through interaction and coordination with respective public and private–sector stakeholders, and enhancing value of products and services by broadening the export base of our products; enhancing capability and capacity of the supply base of goods and services; by fostering supportive export culture and facilitation; and by encouraging export oriented foreign investment and joint ventures…

Our Vision

TDAP will also help improve market access through advising the Government on matters of trade diplomacy and promoting the “business” image of Pakistan in the key export markets for Pakistani products and services, the world over. TDAP’s mission is to achieve a quantum-leap in Pak export. To fulfill such a mission, TDAP shall employ the right skills and competencies, professional management techniques, advanced international marketing strategy backed by competent market research and trade analysis, supported by use of latest technology. TDAP will engender a high level of motivation amongst its staff as they see themselves embark on upwardly mobile career paths within a TPO environment. It will persuade them to significantly enhance their capabilities and skills, and thus assure their personal growth along well-defined career paths. TDAP would thus strive to achieve a role model status for a TPO in the Developing Countries.