Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)

+92-21-99225833 | [email protected]

Trade Development Authority of Pakistan

Focusing on implementation

The implementation of NPSES priority actions through an efficient coordinated framework will drive reforms, optimize institutional structures and strengthen private sector capacities to respond to national, regional and global market opportunities.

The NPSES identifies the priorities that are translated into implementable actions. The effectiveness of the NPSES to support the export development will depend on the ability of the government of Pakistan, institutions and private sector enterprises to implement the strategy’s plans of action.

Allocating sufficient resources early in the implementation process not only concretizes the government’s national commitment but also creates the foundation to establish a robust implementing structure that will be able to produce fast results.

The responsibility for implementation rests with lead­ing national institutions identified in the NPSES plans of ac­tion. Trade competitiveness cuts across ministries, national agencies, subnational institutions, industry associations and private sector organizations.

The Government of Pakistan has established an effective governance mechanism to implement NPSES recommendations: The National Export Development Board (NEDB), Sector Specific Councils (SSCs), as well as a STPF coordination and monitoring unit are setup to guide the implementation of the strategies and supervise overall trade development in the country. The SSCs will act as an advisor to the government and private sector through leadership and coordination. It is composed of key public and private stakeholders to identify holistic solutions to cross-cutting issues affecting the sector. The SSC has a number of critical roles, as it intends to provide an essential link between the Government and the industry, these are